
For academic Applicants:


“The academic Applicant hereby confirms that they:


  1. Have the right to develop the concept commercially and to the best of their knowledge are not aware of any existing collaborations with companies with respect to the concept. Examples would include being in receipt of an industry funded PhD studentship or postdoc, or as a member of a research collaboration with a company.
  2. Are employed or hold a contract (honorary or otherwise) to work at an academic or research institution, or if this does not apply, they understand that they are welcome to join for the educational component of Phase I, but must either form a team with another participant hosted at such an institute, or develop a collaboration with an academic group (CRUK can help with this) to be able to receive any funding as part of the Cancer Tech Accelerator.
  3. May be required to disclose further information on the intellectual property described in this application, including but not limited to flow of title, rights and ownership of such intellectual property and that an application or progress through the Cancer Tech Accelerator can be suspended, or may not be allowed to proceed for any reason at Cancer Research Technology/CRUK’s sole discretion
  4. Understand that the aim of the Cancer Tech Accelerator is to form a Start-Up Company and agree to collaborate with Cancer Research Technology/CRUK to achieve this aim. Where background intellectual property generated without CRUK funding may be required for the success of a Start-Up Company, Cancer Research Technology/CRUK will work with you to facilitate access to this from your host institute for your new Start-Up Company. Please note that there is no obligation to assign any rights in any independently developed intellectual property to the Cancer Tech Accelerator or any of Cancer Research Technology/CRUK, Capital Enterprise or Roche UK pursuant to this application.
  5. Understand that confidential information brought into the Cancer Tech Accelerator can be shared (under conditions of confidentiality) with and amongst Cancer Research Technology/CRUK, Capital Enterprise and Roche UK and their consultants, mentors and experts who are involved in the Cancer Tech Accelerator.
  6. Can join the Cancer Tech Accelerator to benefit from its educational stages and are not under any obligation to apply for funding or commit to becoming a founder of a Start-Up Company.
  7. Any in-kind support to be provided by Roche DX shall be at Roche DX’s sole discretion and will be agreed between you and Roche DX independently. To ensure compliance with the Medtech Europe Code of Business Practice (“the Code”), a further agreement between you and Roche DX documenting any such in-kind support will need to be entered into prior to such support being made available. For the avoidance of doubt, this will include your consent for your name and grant value to be publicly disclosed if required in accordance with the Code.
  8. Agree not to use the logos or names of the CRUK, CRT, Capital Enterprise or Roche UK in any materials without the written consent of the relevant Party.”


For company Applicants:


“The company Applicant hereby confirms that they:


  1.  UKAre a incorporated company registered in the UK and have not have been in receipt of more than £200k direct seed funding.
  2. Understand that they are welcome to join for the educational component of Phase I, but that they cannot directly receive funding as part of the Accelerator. Companies must develop a collaboration with an academic group (CRUK can help with this) to receive funding on their behalf as part of the Cancer Tech Accelerator. Any intellectual property developed in the collaboration would be licensed to the company on fair and reasonable terms.
  3. May be required to disclose further information on the intellectual property described in this application, including but not limited to flow of title, rights and ownership of such intellectual property and that an application or progress through the Cancer Tech Accelerator can be suspended, or may not be allowed to proceed for any reason at Cancer Research Technology/CRUK’s sole discretion
  4. Understand that confidential information brought into the Cancer Tech Accelerator can be shared (under conditions of confidentiality) with and amongst Cancer Research Technology/CRUK, Capital Enterprise and Roche UK and their consultants, mentors and experts who are involved in the Cancer Tech Accelerator.
  5. Any in-kind support to be provided by Roche UK shall be at Roche UK’s sole discretion and will be agreed and documented between you and Roche UK independently.
  6. Agree not to use the logos or names of the CRUK, CRT, Capital Enterprise or Roche UK in any materials without the written consent of the relevant Party.”